1923369A Ave., Surrey.B.C. V4N 6K4.
Email: rohrs@cbrplus.com
Phone: 604-372-1160
Mobile: 604-512-8634
The GRAVELOCK product is manufactured solely at our factory in Johannesburg, South Africa and is distributed on a worldwide basis through a group of independent business associates who are the official representatives for certain countries and regions in the world. These associates have registered offices and, apart from supplying the product, each one offers full technical service and backup to the technology. The technology is also offered under different names in various regions. The registered trade names are CON-AID, CBR PLUS, and GRAVELOCK for the range of products available.
Canada & U.S.A: Rhide Technologies Inc.
South Africa: CBR Plus International Technologies Inc.
Argentina: Con-Aid Argentina
Brasil: Con-Aid Brasil
China: Rhide Technologies Inc.
Thailand: Con-Aid Asia
Iran: Iramont Inc.
Algeria & Tunisia: Rhide Technologies Inc.
Turkey: CBR Plus Turkey
Russia: CBR Plus Russia
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In 1978, Mr. J. J. Grabe, together with prominent scientists and geologists, developed a liquid soil stabilizer to help solve the problems associated with clay and water in soils. This product was called CON-AID, subsequently also known as CBR PLUS. After numerous trials and further research, the product was commercially manufactured in 1980. The success of the use of CON-AID in South Africa lead to CON-AID International (Pty) Ltd, entering and developing an international market with a network of accredited Agents, Distributors and Associates now covering the globe.
Today, CBR PLUS has established itself in more than 100 countries and has assisted in the successful construction of over 40,000 kilometers of roads.
CBR PLUS North America Inc. was established in 1993 in association with the Robertson Group of Vancouver, Canada.